Knowledge Walls
John Peter
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Things to Know [cont'd]
Add comments and multiline comments in MS DOS
REM command is used to add commands in MS DOS batach files. REM means REMARK. REM command is especially designed to give remarks or comments on the batch file or configuration files.

REM <your remarks or comments here>
Example batch file for Single line comments
@ECHO off
REM Example program to add two numbers using a and b params

SET /p aval=Enter the a value:
SET /p bval=Enter the b value:

SET /a cval= %aval% + %bval%
ECHO. "A+B=%cval%"

SET /p exit=Press any key to exit
Multiline comments in MS DOS batch 
Escape statements using goto like below statements.

goto :my_program_comments
         Example no: 10001
         Defi: Example to add numbers in batch file
         Author: Parthasarathy B
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Things to Know of MS-DOS Commands
Decision making of MS-DOS Commands
Decision making of MS-DOS Commands
Decision making of MS-DOS Commands
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Things to Know of MS-DOS Commands
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Arithmetic Operators of MS-DOS Commands
Arithmetic Operators of MS-DOS Commands
String manipulation of MS-DOS Commands
Relational Operators of MS-DOS Commands
String manipulation of MS-DOS Commands
String manipulation of MS-DOS Commands
Things to Know of MS-DOS Commands
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