Knowledge Walls
Tushar Ravindra Patil
Activities and Appreciations in My Resume of Resume Writting
Activities and Appreciations  
• Have participated in Young Innovators Competition by UICT, Mumbai.
• Have participated for Poster presenatation at Kalina University,Mumbai.
• Have underwent ‘FEEL EMPLOYABLE’ –Spoken and written communication course conducted by CLHRD,Manglore.
• Have responsibly handled authorities and duties of General Secretary at R.C.Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur during year 2008-09
• Maintained positive approach through doctor level issues, stockist level problems, to get business and achieve my objective month to month.
• Received Silver Medal for my Performance.
• Planned Camps and CMEs which executed successfully with good response.
• Got recommendation on Scientific promotion of products by Hierarchial Managers.
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