Knowledge Walls
John Peter
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Things to Know [cont'd]
Cls in Commands of MS-DOS Commands
Cls command 
Cls command is used to clear the console output. CLS command is not expecting any arguments.
Before Running Cls 
Volume in drive D has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 8460-8FB0

Directory of d:\tmp

01/20/2014  06:45 PM    <DIR>          .
01/20/2014  06:45 PM    <DIR>          ..
08/18/2013  11:29 PM               286 border-top-color.html
08/18/2013  11:29 PM               226 border-top-style.html
08/18/2013  11:29 PM               245 border-top-width.html
08/18/2013  11:29 PM               219 border-top.html
01/20/2014  06:45 PM            37,505 Untitled.jpg
               5 File(s)         38,481 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  13,318,230,016 bytes free

After Running Cls 
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Commands of MS-DOS Commands
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Commands of MS-DOS Commands
Commands of MS-DOS Commands
Commands of MS-DOS Commands
Commands of MS-DOS Commands
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Arithmetic Operators of MS-DOS Commands
String manipulation of MS-DOS Commands
Relational Operators of MS-DOS Commands
String manipulation of MS-DOS Commands
String manipulation of MS-DOS Commands
Things to Know of MS-DOS Commands
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