Knowledge Walls
John Peter
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Things to Know [cont'd]
Find in Commands of MS-DOS Commands
Find command in MS-DOS 
FIND used to search in file contents.
Command Syntax: 
   FIND [/V] [/I] [/N] [/C] "search-string" [target-file]

Choice Meaning
/V Not contains
/I Not case sensitive
/C Returns matched count
/N With line numbers
How to use?
#To find in *.java files
#Displays which lines are contains "com."

FIND "com." *.java
How to find not contains text in files?
#To find in *.java files
#Displays which lines are not contains "com."

FIND /V "com." *.java
How to find matches line count using FIND command?
#To find in *.java files
#Displays matches count of  "com." string file wise.
FIND /C "com." *.java

#Output - 5 - 10
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String manipulation of MS-DOS Commands
Things to Know of MS-DOS Commands
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