When you click the textbox the text inside the textbox disappear and when the focus leave from the text box the text will appear.For this i gave one example code below

When you click the text box user name will disapear,when focus leave that will appear.

<script type="text/javascript" >
function do_highlight(ele) {
document.getElementById( = "black";
if ("UserName") != -1 && document.getElementById( == "Username") {
document.getElementById( = "";
if ("PassLog") != -1 && document.getElementById( == "Password") {
document.getElementById( = "";
function do_unfocus(ele) {
if ("UserName") != -1 && document.getElementById( == "") {
document.getElementById( = "Username";
if ("PassLog") != -1 && document.getElementById( == "") {
document.getElementById( = "Password";
if ("UserName") != -1 && document.getElementById( == "Username")
document.getElementById( = "rgb(70,70,70)";
if ("PassLog") != -1 && document.getElementById( == "Password")
document.getElementById( = "rgb(70,70,70)";
Calling the function to asp button
<asp:TextBox ID="UserName" runat="server" onfocus="do_highlight(this);" onblur="do_unfocus(this);" value="Username"
MaxLength="20" ForeColor="#707070"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="PassLog" runat="server" onfocus="do_highlight(this);"onblur="do_unfocus(this);"value="Password"
ForeColor="#707070" MaxLength="10" TextMode="Password"></asp:TextBox>